Instagram Picture
Instagram is another very popular social media app. It is much like many other apps, but Instagram is very user-friendly and also includes up-to-date technology. In this app, users have an account, or profile, in which they can do anything from posting pictures or videos, to exploring other parts of the world through others’ accounts. When a user posts a picture, other people can like and comment on the picture, and also tag others in it and choose whether or not they want it to show up on their own profile if they were tagged in the picture. Another feature of Instagram is direct messaging. Pictures or videos can be privately sent to certain people, but only up to 25, who can then like and comment on it. This makes for easier access and helps one to meet new people, which is always exciting. I love this app because it keeps me updated on the world around me and gives me something to do. It also helps me to discover new people which I can then talk to on other apps like Snap Chat. Instagram is also high on the iTunes most purchased list and has been for awhile. This app has been around for years and shows no signs of slowing down now.