3rd Quarter - Extra Credit
Students will only be eligible for extra credit if they have turned in all missing assignments by the end of the quarter. If you're unsure which assignments you are still missing, contact Mr. Gwin.
Extend your 3rd Quarter project to include additional months. For example, if you need 3 pages worth of extra credit, you would extend the project past June to include July, August and September, including the necessary links to continue to those pages.
All requirements from the project apply to these pages as well.
Each additional page will be worth up to 2 extra credit points (only partial extra credit will be given for pages that only partially meet the requirements). These extra credit points will be added directly to the "Assignments" portion of the grade, up to 80% max on each assignment.
For example, if a student is missing a 10 point assignment and only scored a 3 out of 5 on another, They are eligible for up to 8 points on the first assignment and 1 additional point on the second. They would need to complete an additional 5 calendar pages on the project to get the 9 points needed.