Popular Dishes in diffrent Countries


This website is about the dishes around the world. The goal of this website is to inform the readers of diffrent dishes around the world. The major countries discussed in this site are United States, Mexico, and Korea. The site will be gathering more informations about the different dishes around the world, so don't be to depressed if the country you were looking for doesn't show up. You can check our progress in the '+ more' section, listed with three major countries. Thank you for visiting the site, and I hope you will enjoy looking at the dishes around the world!

About the Site

This website was created by Jisun Yoo, a 10th grader in Mesilla Valley Christian School. The site was created to be turned in for 'Quarter 4 final test' in May 26th, 2017. The credits of the pictures and informations used in the 'Popular Dishes In Different Countries' are given in the 'Sources' page. The food choices in the site is picked by the editor, Jisun Yoo, so there is a way that someone might disagree with the choices.
Again, thanks for vistiting 'Popular Dishes Around the World'!
