Basketball is a game played with 5 players from each team on the floor trying to score the ball through the opponent team's hoop 10 feet above the ground.
The game is played on a rectangular floor called the court, and there is a hoop at each end.
The game begins with one player from either team at center court. A referee will toss the ball up between the two.
The player that gets his hand on the ball will tip it to a teammate.
The ball is moved down the court toward the basket by passing or dribbling.
A player must dribble before taking his second step or it will be called a travel.
After a player picks up his dribble he must pass or shoot and cannot dribble again.
When a team makes a basket, they score two points and the ball goes to the other team.
If a basket, or field goal, is made outside of the three-point arc, then that basket is worth three points.
A free throw is worth one point and awarded to a team according to some formats involving the number of fouls committed in a half and/or the type of foul committed.