In the inspiring novel, The Lucky One, a young marine finds a picture of a smiling woman while he is in Iraq during his third tour out. He keeps the picture
with him when nobody claims it for their own. After a few poker games and surviving a deadly attack that killed two of his closest buddies, Logan Thibault considers this picture to be his "lucky charm.
" When he gets back home to Colorado he decides to go on a journey to find the woman in the picture that saved his life. This novel is "filled with tender romance and terrific suspense (Sparks)" and
is definitely considered one of Nicholas Spark's best writings and worth the read. The Lucky One was written in 2008 but was not filmed until 2011 and was released on April 20, 2012. This is the only piece Sparks' has written based on an image he had in his mind. The image in this case was a tired marine in his fatigues that was looking at a picture with a drawn out look in his eyes. From this image, Nicholas decided to expand on it and turn it into a novel. It took a lot of detail and precision but once the novel was complete, so were the hearts of his fans. Sources |