Friends |
Friends is a sticome out of the 90's about a group of close friends and their days together. |
Gilmore Girls |
Gilmore Girls is about a mother-daughter relationship as the daughter gets older. This show has really great dialogue on top of the many popculture references. |
New Girl |
New Girl is about a group of firends who live together and struggle keeping themselves from falling for one another. |
Chopped |
Chopped is a cooking show and different challenges and coaches. |
Fixer Upper |
Fixer Upper is about people who renevate houses to be resold. |
(Goodman, Farley. "The-real-fixer-upper."31 July 2015. Cable television bundles. 19 May 2016.)
(Kristina. "Chopped Military Institute." 30 May 2015. Cooking Contest Central. 19 May 2016.)
(Kuchman, Bill."New Girl poster." 2014. popculturology. 19 May 2016. )
(Romano,Nick."gilmore-girls-poster." 11 February 2016. collider. 19 May 2016.)
(Wellendorf, Kiley. "Friends tv show." 8 January, 2015. xojane. 19 May 2016.)